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Here I go- Again. Hello 2018!

Hey folks! So, its true, I've done this before. Created a website. Started a blog. I've done it a few times actually. I was never satisfied with how my site looked, or what I was talking about on my blog, and lacked confidence in my writing. So, I never kept it up. Worst of all I found myself comparing myself and writing to others which made me feel even worst about my work. One thing that became very clear from  was how much I would overthink everything. I would ponder over what purpose my blog or how my writing didn't sound "smart". On top of that, I hated the blog names I would come up with. I would see a catchy name on other sites and try my hardest to come up with something just as cute and catchy. That didn't happen. Little stuff right, but it frustrated me a great deal. I became stuck and unsure of everything. Can you believe it? Overthinking the title to the point that I just didn't write anything. Who, does that.   

I know my writing isn't the best. Basic vocabulary is my preferred style. I never could muster keeping a vast and diverse descriptive vocabulary; but what does that mean anyway. Although seceretly, I wish, I knew/used more big words than I do- call me silly. What I know and recognized last year were my many insecurities and how they affected me personally and my work.  My biggest lessons have been: to care less and do more. Think less and do more. Love the things I love, fully. Treat myself with love. To use my resilience, my will, my creativity all the time. To be okay with myself in my now, but to always strive for a better me later (even in the next hour), forgive myself more and to be okay with what makes me different, to name a few. I look forward to working on the parts of me I want to be better in.  Most importantly my goal is to compare myself less to others unless it is in inspiration with the intent to push myself to new levels. 

I say all this to reintroduce myself and my new website (which I've spent a few weeks on now- happy about this) at the start of this new year, 2018.  I love my site. And, the best part- I don't have to come up with a name for my blog. Its just called jounal- yup, thats it (haha). I'm not sure how often Ill write, but I'm excited to share my thoughts and experiences through my writings and photographs more often.


** The photo: I choose this photo I took in VA beach, because I'm completely intrigued and inspired by the ocean and surfers and their relationship with each other. Also, "Here we go, Again", is exaclty what I would be saying if surfing and a wave was rising towards me after falling off 10 times already. ***

thanks for stopping by today and staying with me till now. 

Until the next...



Erin DouglasComment